Поръчки се приемат на e-mail: alex_honey@abv.bg
Както и на телефон: 0889 636 147 – Александър Георгиев, всеки работен ден от 8.30 до 19 часа
След потвърждение, че поръчката е приета, доставката се извършва до два работни дни. Цена на доставката – 4 лв. в рамките на града (засега доставяме само в гр. София) При поръчка над 40 лв. - безплатна доставка.
При поръчка направена по e-mail, моля посочете точен адрес, телефон за контакт и часове, в които е удобно да се достави.
About us
The mission of The Old Hive is to turn out quite natural and environmentally friendly apicultural products. The Old Hive is an enterprise of beekeepers having 100-year family traditions in the keeping of bee colonies and the harvest of raw/natural honey. read more
The Bulgarian honey
According to the ancient medical practices from all over the world, honey is the nectar of life. It is the only food that does not deteriorate. According to the scientists the honey bees have existed on the Earth for more than 145 million years, and signs of honey use were found in a cave in Spain, with the age of seven thousand years. It is produced by the honey bees that use nectar from the flowers, which they collect, transform, combine with specific substances which they release, stock and let ripen in combs. Honey is used to sweeten foods and beverages, for cosmetic purposes, and also as a medicine. It cures with good success sore throat, colds, cough, ulcers, burns and wounds. read more
Honey is a biologically active product, with well defined bactericidal properties. It can be preserved for years, centuries and even millennia, of course under certain conditions. After discovering and opening the Tutankhamun’s tomb, a clay pot with honey was found in it. read more
The situation of The Old Hive apiaries is not casual, we took care to dispose our hives in a locality enjoying enough diversity of honey plants, which are far from the contemporary ”achievements” of the civilisation. read more