Поръчки се приемат на e-mail: alex_honey@abv.bg
Както и на телефон: 0889 636 147 – Александър Георгиев, всеки работен ден от 8.30 до 19 часа
След потвърждение, че поръчката е приета, доставката се извършва до два работни дни.
При поръчка направена по e-mail, моля посочете точен адрес, телефон за контакт и часове, в които е удобно да се достави.
The situation of The Old Hive apiaries is not casual, we took care to dispose our hives in a locality enjoying enough diversity of honey plants, which are far from the contemporary ”achievements” of the civilisation (industrial pollutants and congested highways) and from the industrial crops treated with pesticides and insecticides, in fact at a lot more than the 3 kilometer distance, which is the minimum according to the organic beekeeping requirements. Because of the closeness to the nature, the honey produced by us has a lot better gustatory, nutritive and healing properties
The area is characterised by a very mild microclimate, conditioned by the dam lake nearby, the exposure of the mountain slopes in south-eastern direction towards the Thracian Lowland, and the altitude. It enjoys 274 sunny days in the year, which is more than the average for Bulgaria. Fruit trees are grown in the area, and various southern crops thrive, such as pomegranate, fig-tree, medlar, etc. The wood vegetation is represented by oak and hornbeam. In the higher parts of the area are preserved quality beech forests, having at places century-old age. And the meadows are full of herbs such as milfoil, St. John’s wort, elder, thyme, hawthorn, melilot, rest-harrow, viper’s bugloss, and many more. The geographical characteristics of the semi-mountainous region determine the longer period of bee foraging.